The Air Force has successfully transitioned from being in reactive mode in its nuclear oversight to a more active manner of operations, says Maj. Gen. Donald Alston, point man for nuclear matters on the Air Staff. In fact, he asserts that it’s been in true stewardship mode and not recovery mode for more than a year now. When the service first began its wholesale revitalization of the nuclear enterprise several years ago, the focus was on “repair and rehabilitation,” Alston told reporters June 2. But now the major muscle movements are complete or in full swing, with the foundation in place for enduring success. “We talk modernization. We talk sustainment,” he said. Alston is vacating the A10 post later in June to assume command of 20th Air Force, overseer of the nation’s Minuteman III ICBMs. (For more read Strike Command Steps Up from the June issue of Air Force Magazine.)
Maj. Gen. Larry Broadwell, deputy commander of the 16th Air Force, used an elaborate, sports-themed analogy for understanding information warfare at the AFA Warfare Symposium.