
Electronic warfare will be a priority of Space Force members looking to protect military satellites and radars, but don’t expect it to look like the Air Force’s EW units. Space Force Vice Chief of Space Operations Gen. David D. Thompson said Jan. 13 that—at least ...
The Defense Department is moving out with its first strategy to coordinate and plan for future threats posed by small drones at home and abroad. The Jan. 7 strategy comes after the military has contended with years-long proliferation of quadcopters and other cheap, widely available ...
The AGM-183 Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon hypersonic missile didn't fly by the end of 2020 as forecast by service acquisition executive Will Roper. Instead, the Lockheed Martin-built prototype made a third captive-carry test, which ended up being yet another dress rehearsal. The Air Force couldn't ...
In a first, the Pentagon's Joint Requirements Oversight Council will give the services requirements they must meet to fulfill joint electromagnetic spectrum and electronic warfare demands, JROC chairman and Joint Chiefs Vice Chair Gen. John E. Hyten said. The recent EMS strategy specifies capabilities that ...
The Pentagon awarded Lockheed Martin Space up to $4.9 billion for three geosynchronous Earth-orbiting space vehicles, plus ground mission software, as part of the Overhead Persistent Infrared next-generation space-based missile warning systems. OPIR will eventually include the three GEO satellites from Lockheed, along with two ...