The new “revolution in military affairs” is the recognition that information and speed of decision-making will be the keys to victory in a future conflict, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said in a March 29 panel discussion with Army Chief ...
The Pentagon could save a lot of money on personnel and increase force structure with expanded use of “remotely crewed” systems, but the diversity of size and application of such systems demands specialized thinking, rather than just lumping them together as “drones,” according to experts ...
Having successfully used “digital twinning” to design and prototype its latest jet trainer aircraft, the Air Force is moving to use the new technology to develop and test weapons, too—building an online Colosseum in which vendors’ systems can virtually fight each other. Col. Garry A. ...
Partnerships in space could build capabilities and save money for all in the coalition.
As flight-tests begin, the military must overcome shortages of talent, test capacity, and supply.
How military researchers are working to understand—and prevent—hypoxia-like events in Air Force aircraft fleets.
Gold Medal Standard We must prepare together for a long-term strategic competition with China. How the United States, Europe, and Asia work together to secure the peace and defend our shared values and advance our prosperity across the Pacific will...
Aerospace Warfare Symposium coverage; Mishaps; New TRANSCOM leader; and more ...
Partnerships in space could build capabilities and save money for all in the coalition. At the dawn of the new space age, the United States is racing to assemble a military coalition of spacefaring nations to rival that of Operation...