
The Air Force is gearing up to host its inaugural “Pitch Bowl” in March 2020, an event that will bring together the best ideas from the growing pool of Pitch Days where companies try to snag a military contract without the years-long wait of traditional ...
The Defense Department looks to build and run a full-scale, fifth-generation wireless network at Hill AFB, Utah, to learn more about how it would interact with radars. In October, DOD announced it would launch experimentation and prototyping programs at four bases exploring how the next ...
The Air Force’s Space Fence finished its initial operational test and evaluation phase in November, kicking off a trial period to see if the system works well enough to accept it for regular operations. Space Fence’s first increment is neither in space nor a physical ...
The Air Force on Nov. 20 officially retired the Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile, a mainstay of long-range conventional strike since it entered service. Airmen at Barksdale AFB, La., downloaded and disassembled the last AGM-86D CALCM package from a B-52 during a small ceremony that included ...
Pratt & Whitney received a $762.5 million modification to a previously awarded fixed-price incentive fee contract for F-35 fighter engines on Nov. 22. The modification funds 48 F135-100 engines for Air Force F-35A aircraft, and 10 F135-600 engines for Marine Corps F-35B aircraft. The Air ...
AT&T will start bringing fifth-generation wireless networking to Tyndall AFB, Fla., in early 2020, the company said in a Nov. 21 release. “AT&T is comprehensively rebuilding and modernizing communications infrastructure and capabilities across Tyndall,” the company said. “It is providing future-forward networking capabilities … to ...
The KC-46 has successfully completed testing of the aircraft’s wing refueling pods—a key capability of the new tanker. During the tests at Edwards AFB, Calif., the KC-46 test program used the Wing Aerial Refueling Pods to refuel an AV-8B, F-18D, and F-18G, according to a ...