
The Defense Department has adopted a series of ethical principles intended to guide the development and use of artificial intelligence on and off the battlefield, including taking “deliberate steps to minimize unintended bias” and ensuring the ability to “deactivate” systems that aren’t behaving as expected. The ...
The next Airborne Battle Management System experiment, to take place April 8, will be "massive" and include space superiority activities and the shoot-down of both an unmanned aircraft and a cruise missile, Air Force acquisition chief Will Roper told reporters February 21. He also discussed ...
The Air Force is moving forward with its Stand-In Attack Weapon, preparing to check how it fits inside the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter this summer. Though the service previously said the missile would fly on the B-21 as well, Air Force spokeswoman Ilka Cole said ...
DARPA wants to bring a gun to a missile fight. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing “Gunslinger,” a new air-launched missile equipped with a gun, for Air Force and Navy missions ranging from counterterrorism to dogfights with other aircraft, according to the fiscal ...
The Air Force wants to boost its investment in the Advanced Battle Management System for fiscal 2021, more than doubling funding for the effort to $302.3 million. The uptick reflects the progress researchers are starting to make and leaders’ optimism that the idea will bear ...
A touted $30 billion realignment of the Air Force's budget, with some wholesale retirements of major systems, did not materialize in the spending documents released Feb. 10. Instead, the Air Force is reducing its operational fleet to pay for technology upgrades emphasizing connectivity, agile logistics, ...
The Air Force has canceled the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon as a budget move, shifting emphasis to the Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon. While both are Lockheed Martin programs, the HCSW was being developed by the Space division in Huntsville, Alabama, while the ARRW is being ...
The Space Force is requesting $15.4 billion for its first full year of operations in fiscal 2021, ballooning from its $40 million allotment from Congress in 2020. The fledgling service was created under the Department of the Air Force in December by the Fiscal 2020 ...