
New Space Force guidance directs the service to create entities like a National Space Intelligence Center, begins to set benchmarks for improving the force, and offers insight into future operations. Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond rolled out the planning document Nov. ...
Major news outlets declared former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. the President-elect on Nov. 7, ushering in a new era for the military under a Democratic administration. Biden has secured enough electoral votes to win the presidency, though Trump has pledged to challenge state ...
Maj. Gen. DeAnna M. Burt is slated to take over as the deputy commander of the Space Force’s operations branch and as head of a related warfighting group underneath U.S. Space Command, a military spokesperson confirmed Oct. 30. Space Force spokesperson 1st Lt. Rachel L. ...
The Pentagon on Oct. 29 added a new top leadership position to oversee space-related combat policy across the department, as required by lawmakers in the 2020 defense policy bill. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy will report to the Undersecretary of Defense for ...