
The leaders at U.S. Space Command plan to figure out over the long term how to turn their command’s service-affiliated component commands—units from the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and Navy—into “functional components.” The Space Force, on the other hand, already contributes “the lion’s share of ...
The Space Force’s orientation course for people transferring into the new service—civilian and military alike—draws from the “welcoming and intimate” formats that the Air Force’s major commands offer in their chiefs’ orientation courses for chief master sergeants. Space Training and Readiness Command held the first ...
AFRL’s realignment is finally complete. Andrew Williams, an 18-year veteran of AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate, will be the first full-time permanent deputy technology executive officer (D-TEO) for space science and technology.
The Space Force is luring would-be pilots at the Air Force Academy to consider an alternative path shaping the future of a new domain.
The Defense Department’s cyber challenges are enormous. Systems increasingly rely on software code, much of it incorporating open-source components. Growing dependence on cloud-based systems to host databases and computer workloads also expanded the Pentagon’s attack surface. Conventional cyber defenses based on keeping hackers out of ...