
The leader of the National Reconnaissance Office said the NRO will follow orders from U.S. Space Command if needed. Meanwhile, the NRO awaits a finding by the Space Force on whether the office’s intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance activities “need to expand." In a webinar by ...
Garrisons are out—Space Base Deltas are in. The Space Force has switched up how it refers to the organizations responsible for mission support functions, saying the new designations better reflect their function and place within the service’s structure. The Peterson-Schriever and Buckley Garrisons became Space ...
The Space Force is in the process of establishing a program that will bolster the new service’s diplomatic outreach with its very first attaches in select U.S. embassies across the world, Air Force Magazine has confirmed. The Regional Space Advisor program will “develop a cadre ...
President Joe Biden nominated Space Force Lt. Gen. B. Chance Saltzman to be the Space Force’s next Chief of Space Operations. Saltzman currently serves as the deputy CSO for operations, intelligence, sustainment, cyber, and nuclear. Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, the ...