
Scientists from the Air Force Research Laboratory and outside organizations have sent a promising selection of spacecraft construction materials to the International Space Station, there to be exposed to space weather. MISSE-16 surpasses past MISSE missions by collecting data about the materials during the flight in ...

AFA in Action

Aug. 12, 2022
Bringing STEAM to Life; Two AFA Members inducted into AFC4A Hall of Fame.


Aug. 12, 2022
A collection of quotes on air power, space power, and national security issues.

World: Space

Aug. 12, 2022
X37B eclipses prior endurance record; Intel from space; Saltzman to succeed Raymond as CSO; Smaller satellites boostspace resilience.
With roots in the near-space photo reconnaissance of the U-2 Dragon Lady, space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance has become increasingly sophisticated and valuable over the past 65 years. Things will only get more interesting in the future.
The Navy should complete the business cases for its proposed alternatives to GPS navigation so that Congress can properly oversee and fund the programs, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office. The Air Force’s business-case documents for its Resilient-Embedded Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation ...