
US Space Command is beginning to pull together the budget and operations plans that will shape how it defends US systems in space and provides services like GPS navigation and communications to military personnel around the world. SPACECOM is in the process of forming a ...
Starting some time next year, satellite communications providers that want to sell to the US military will need to get pre-certified to prove they are meeting the same cybersecurity standards as federal agencies. The Information Asset Pre-assessment program will require companies to implement information security ...
The Air Force aims to split $30 billion in savings from accelerating the retirement of legacy assets in four “bins,” according to Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein, who offered the most detailed picture yet of investment initiatives coming in the 2021 budget request. Savings ...
An Air Force investigation into how the service could piggyback on the commercial industry’s broadband Internet satellites for better communication is moving forward to include two key combat platforms—the AC-130 and KC-135. The experimentation and prototyping effort, known as Defense Experimentation Using the Commercial Space ...
The Hawaii Air National Guard will stand up a new space control squadron beginning next summer. The Air Force approved Barking Sands Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai as the preferred alternative for an Air National Guard Space Control Squadron, bringing 88 new Guard positions, ...