
Six airmen last month became the first graduates of the new US Air Force Weapons School class aimed at training space warfighters. The new 1C6 Space Warfighter Advanced Instructor Course is aimed at providing advanced academic training to plan and “integrate space capabilities into joint ...
The Air Force’s Space Fence finished its initial operational test and evaluation phase in November, kicking off a trial period to see if the system works well enough to accept it for regular operations. Space Fence’s first increment is neither in space nor a physical ...
Air Force Global Strike Command’s second decade in business will be a busy one. Created in 2009 as Strategic Air Command’s post-Cold War replacement, Global Strike oversees the bulk of the Pentagon’s nuclear weapons and provides bomber aircraft for combat operations and deterrence flights around ...
Iran has been successful deterring the US and its regional adversaries and extending its influence in the Middle East with a three-pronged approach to defense, centered on ballistic missiles, a multilayered maritime defense and sponsorship of regional proxies, according to a new report from the ...
The Air Force’s timeline for choosing winners in its premiere launch program is slightly delayed, following the Government Accountability Office’s Nov. 18 decision to uphold Blue Origin’s recent bid protest. The National Security Space Launch program aims to hire two companies to carry military and ...