
A space architecture enterprise summit in mid-February will bring together stakeholders like the Space Development Agency, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, Space Rapid Capabilities Office to determine how each group fits into the DOD’s new military space vision, according to a top Air ...
President Donald Trump on Jan. 24 unveiled the first official Space Force seal, an early step in the new service’s attempt to craft its own culture. The seal features an arrowhead symbol over a globe, encircled by a stylized design of an orbit around the ...
The Space Development Agency in 2020 is embarking on its first full year of work to put up potentially thousands of satellites that aim to share combat data in new ways and better protect US interests. After standing up in March 2019, working through leadership ...
For most, space policy is still more science fiction than reality—the stuff of a galaxy far, far away. People imagine laser-toting gunships and interplanetary bases, not airmen at consoles adjusting satellites in orbit. Those perceptions have persisted through about 18 months of pressure from the ...
USAF's "pass through" budget idiosyncrasy will get a fresh look in the context of creating Space Force, Ellen Lord said Jan. 14. “As we stand up Space Command and Space Force, I think we are looking at the entire structure of the organization; all resourcing ...
Gen. Jay Raymond was formally sworn in as the inaugural Chief of Space Operations Jan. 14 at a White House ceremony led by Vice President Mike Pence. “The President and Congress have given us a great opportunity to build the force we need to respond ...