
The Department of the Air Force has submitted a $4.2 billion unfunded priorities list to Congress for fiscal 2021, which includes roughly $3.2 billion for the U.S. Air Force and $1 billion for the fledgling U.S. Space Force. The USAF request, which is significantly more ...
Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond has signed into effect a new strategy for making satellite communications more resilient and effective as U.S. adversaries try to chip away at those capabilities. “Despite the global, instantaneous reach of our SATCOM capabilities, which includes both military ...
The Air Force's X-37B reusable unmanned spaceplane is among nine nominees for the 2019 Collier Trophy, one of the aerospace field's highest honors. The Collier Trophy has been awarded for 108 years, and honors “the greatest achievement in aeronautics and astronautics in America,” the association ...
The Space Force wants Air Force space professionals to help it name its forces, operational units, and ranks. Now through Feb. 24, individuals with USAF Common Access Cards who have Air Force Portal access can join in the conversation, according to a Feb. 13 Air ...
An independent review team investigating the first in-space test of Boeing’s Starliner astronaut capsule should have its review wrapped up by the end of February. Boeing and NASA are conducting the review jointly. They already plan to recheck all 1 million lines of Starliner’s software ...
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif.—Handing off responsibility for space traffic management from the Space Force to the Commerce Department is proving slower than expected, a military official told Air Force Magazine. Mark Daley, the Commerce Department’s operations deputy in the Office of Space Commerce, joined ...
National Guard officials are pushing for the Defense Department and Congress to create a Space National Guard, despite some uncertainty within the Pentagon about how to move forward. The Office of the Secretary of Defense is drawing up multiple options for what the Space Force’s ...
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif.—Military officials are looking at putting the 30th and 45th Space Wings under a new Space Force Systems Command to group the launch-focused organizations with others that handle procurement rather than warfighting. “In the [reorganization], we have seen different models where ...