
The Space Force aims to release details of its new satellite communications acquisition strategy this summer as the service considers how to combine government and privately owned technologies into one seamless enterprise. Space Force boss Gen. Jay Raymond last month signed off on a vision ...
United Launch Alliance announced March 10 its Atlas V rocket launch that will carry the Air Force’s sixth Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite into space is delayed by at least two days because of an unusual valve reading. “Additional time is needed for the team ...
Space Force officials say it’s taking longer than expected to finalize a list of suggested language that lawmakers could add to the fiscal 2021 defense policy bill, indicating that certain proposals for the new service are sure to cause heated disagreement across the federal government. ...
Space policy experts at the Satellite 2020 conference argued overclassification of those systems makes it harder to achieve the procurement reforms that military space needs. Pentagon officials noted their collaboration with entities in the intelligence community helps keep those who need to be informed in ...
Air Mobility Command's gray tail airlifters and tankers will participate in a series of Joint All-Domain Command and Control experiments this year. The efforts, part of the series of Advanced Battle Management System experiments and other exercises, aim to show how aircraft such as C-17s ...
Space Force Vice Commander Lt. Gen. David Thompson told lawmakers March 4 the service has started testing new tools built to defend American assets on orbit, possibly hinting at classified counterspace capabilities. “We began prototyping, and demonstrating, and preparing for what I’ll call abilities to ...
Space Force Vice Commander Lt. Gen. David Thompson indicated the military will add new locations to the list of bases under consideration for U.S. Space Command headquarters, saying some unexpected places could become home to parts of the new Space Force as well. “We’re now ...
Details of how the Air Force Reserve will support the U.S. Space Force “haven’t been fully fleshed out,” but for now, any backup it provides will remain under the purview of Air Force Reserve Command, Reserve Chief Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee told Air Force Magazine ...