
More than 1,800 Airmen in jobs that support space operations will transfer from the Air Force to the Space Force over the next six months, the Air Force said March 31. Twenty-three intelligence, acquisition, and other organizations will become part of the Space Force, joining ...
Foreign countries are boosting their investments in “gray zone” weapons that can confuse and disable satellites, are harder to attribute to a specific attacker, and fall below the level of overt war, posing regulatory challenges, according to a new report from the Center for Strategic ...
Work is still underway to build up the Space Force even as the new coronavirus raises some unexpected hurdles, the service's top uniformed officer said March 27. Three people assigned to the Space Force in Colorado have tested positive for the virus, Chief of Space ...
The Space Force and United Launch Alliance successfully launched the sixth Advanced Extremely High Frequency communications satellite from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., around 4:15 p.m. March 26. AEHF-6, the final piece of the protected satellite comms constellation, will reach its destination after about ...
The Space Force’s first launch under the National Security Space Launch program is moving forward, despite the threat of coronavirus, to put the sixth and final Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite on orbit March 26. By adding the sixth AEHF satellite, U.S. troops should expect ...
Weather experts at Florida's Space Coast will feel the pinch of an increasingly crowded launch schedule as higher demand requires more forecasting services. Employees of the Space Force’s 45th Weather Squadron include civilian launch weather officers who are tasked to work with a particular launch ...
Astronaut Al Worden died March 18 at the age of 88. A former USAF fighter pilot, he was the Command Module Pilot for the all-Air Force Apollo 15 mission, during which he made the first "deep space" spacewalk.
Faced with a congressional mandate to test its GPS system for cyber vulnerabilities, the Air Force commissioned a digital replica of the satellites and then asked contractors to hack the system. The use of "digital twins" is expanding from modelling in conventional simulators to include ...