
Virgin Orbit subsidiary VOX Space will launch dozens of small satellites into space for the Space Force’s Orbital Services Program-4, under a $35 million contract announced April 10. For OSP-4’s first round of launches, dubbed Space Test Program-S28, VOX Space will deliver 44 satellites to ...
Florida’s 45th Space Wing is aiming to keep as much regular order as possible as the coronavirus pandemic unfolds, reviewing launch plans and hoping the virus remains at bay. Patrick Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station aim to execute 49 military and ...
The Space Force is working on its capstone space doctrine publication as well as a new deterrence strategy to shape its way forward, Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond said in an April 7 discussion with AFA’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. New doctrine ...
The Space Force is wrapping up its report on how to build a successful new military space acquisition enterprise, posing 10 recommendations to Capitol Hill while starting to move out on pieces of the plan. Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett was expected to sign the ...
The Space Development Agency has released its draft request for proposals for an initial batch of 20 data-relay satellites known as the “Tranche 0 transport layer.” Pentagon officials see the transport layer as a way to unify the various space-based sensors that are part of ...
L3Harris and Raytheon will develop and build specialized modems that work with the Protected Tactical Waveform, an anti-jamming technology for satellite communications, according to the Space and Missile Systems Center. The companies on March 27 each secured contracts worth up to $500 million that could ...