
Almanac: Equipment

June 1, 2020
Total aircraft inventory; aircraft inventory trends; ICBM and satellite inventory; aircraft age; tail codes.

Almanac: Spending

June 1, 2020
Department of the Air Force spending trends; DOD and USAF fiscal 2020 budget request; spending as a share of GDP; DOD budget breakdown by service; pass-through funding; major procurement and RDT&E programs.
The Space Force is hashing out how to incorporate offensive cyber operations into its future combat plans, as the new service charts a path forward for the cyber-focused Airmen who transfer in, officials said during a recently livestreamed town hall. The Space Force at first ...
The Pentagon has declared space a warfighting domain. A new Space Force is preparing to defend its assets from attack, and hit others if needed. But what, exactly, is a space weapon? A new report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies published May ...
Some space watchers say NASA’s return to launching astronauts from U.S. soil this week could shape the far future of military manned spaceflight, though others say the new Space Force doesn’t need to aim for “boots on the Moon.” SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft will carry ...
The Air Force wants to add more Airmen for space, sensing, command and control, and logistics, if upcoming military budgets let the service grow, Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen “Seve” Wilson said May 20. Wilson also said plans for a larger bomber force will ...
Space stakeholders are moving forward with a new plan for missile defense, warning, and tracking after a Pentagon-wide review meant to align the work of multiple DOD agencies. Space Force Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond told reporters during a May 20 Defense Writers ...
New opportunities will open up for intelligence Airmen who opt to join the Space Force, intel officials said on a recent livestream. The Space Force is considering how Airmen could work in multiple career fields to broaden their understanding of the space domain, according to ...