
The Senate Armed Services Committee’s defense spending plan for 2021 would give the Air Force and Space Force largely what they want, with some notable tweaks. “What this bipartisan bill does is straightforward: care for our troops; preserve peace through strength; and defend this great ...
House lawmakers are criticizing the Space Force for being too vague about its future personnel plans as the new service turns six months old. Congress approved the creation of a Space Force last year, and is now taking a piecemeal approach to cleaning up the ...
Gen. Thomas S. Moorman Jr., who developed and led a sizable portion of the Air Force's space organizations and capabilities, died June 17 at age 79. Moorman played a “pivotal role” in Air Force and defense space, laying the foundation for Space Force, said the ...
A top Space Force official says the service is figuring out whether its inaugural round of personnel transfers brought in the right mix of career fields and ranks to form the armed force’s foundation. “My guess is there are some of those boxes in those ...
New legislation further establishes the Space Force as the sixth branch of the military, but wants a closer look at who will do that work and where. The Senate Armed Services Committee’s version of the fiscal 2021 defense policy bill, approved June 10, would temporarily ...