
Congress is of a mind to allow the Pentagon to do more multiyear procurement—in the billions of dollars—particularly of munitions, given the situation in Ukraine and its implications for other potential conflicts, Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief William LaPlante said.
NATO, Russia to hold nuclear exercises; US, allies pledge improved Air defenses for Ukraine; F-16s intercept Russian bombers.


Nov. 3, 2022
A collection of quotes on air power, space power, and national security issues.
The State Department announced a new plan to track weapons the United States has provided to Ukraine. The plan addresses concerns that the nearly $18 billion in military aid America has provided since Russia's renewed invasion could fall into the wrong hands. If Russia acquires ...
A pair of U.S. Air Force F-16s intercepted two Russian bombers flying near Alaska on Oct. 17, NORAD announced—though the bombers never actually entered U.S. or Canadian airspace and officials said they did not see the Russian jets as a threat or provocation. The Tu-95 ...
Russia and NATO will go ahead with large-scale nuclear exercises in the coming weeks despite concern over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hints that the Ukraine war might prompt him to turn to his nuclear arsenal, U.S. and NATO officials said. The NATO exercise, called Steadfast ...