
AFA in Action

Aug. 12, 2022
Bringing STEAM to Life; Two AFA Members inducted into AFC4A Hall of Fame.

Faces of the Force

Aug. 12, 2022
Tell us who you think we should highlight here. Write to


Aug. 12, 2022
We love letters! Write to us at To be published, letters should be timely, relevant and concise. Include your name and location. Letters may be edited for space and the editors have final say on which are published.

World: Heritage

Aug. 12, 2022
Wilma Vaught awarded Medal of Freedom; New Atomic Veterans' Medal; Former CMSgt. of the Air Force James McCoy dies at 91.

World: Space

Aug. 12, 2022
X37B eclipses prior endurance record; Intel from space; Saltzman to succeed Raymond as CSO; Smaller satellites boostspace resilience.

Four Chiefs

Aug. 12, 2022 | By Tobias Naegele
As part of Air Force Magazine’s commemoration of the Air Force’s 75th anniversary, Sept. 18, 2022, we set out to interview all of the living former Chiefs of Staff, ultimately interviewing seven of the eight former Chiefs from 1990 to the present. In this first ...
The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness revised the Defense Department’s COVID-19 guidelines. The new rules clarify what’s meant by being “up to date” on vaccinations and when personnel must wear masks in vehicles, among other changes.