
As Airmen and Guardians pause their daily routines to consider the spread of white supremacy and other far-right ideologies in their ranks, their discussions will fuel department-wide changes to how the Air Force responds to extremism. “There are many offices involved with creating the content ...
Defense Department and congressional leaders on Feb. 12 named eight people to the bipartisan commission tasked with renaming bases and other military property that bear the names of Confederate leaders. The panel was created in the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act. The eight members of ...
The Pentagon is readying around 4,700 Active-duty forces to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency at coronavirus vaccination sites nationwide, expanding the military's role in pandemic-response efforts. Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III is directing more than a four-fold increase in the number of troops ...
U.S. and Israeli troops are practicing ballistic missile defense and collaborative crisis response as part of exercise Juniper Falcon 2021, U.S. European Command told Air Force Magazine Feb. 10. Approximately 300 Defense Department representatives, including American Airmen, are taking part in the two-week-long exercise that ...
The Defense Department has administered more than 800,000 coronavirus vaccines to its personnel so far, as Active-duty troops begin heading out to help the general public get vaccinated as well. The Pentagon had ordered 1,040,825 vaccine doses as of Feb. 11, with 966,280 delivered to ...