Operational Imperatives

As the Air Force’s command and control enterprise starts the process of a massive transformation, the generals leading the charge have no doubt that the service will always need Airmen capable of making critical battle management decisions. The details of how these battle managers will transition ...
The Air Force has acquired, fielded, and started experimenting with more than a dozen kits of an advanced new command-and-control node, with hopes to get troops’ feedback before acquiring hundreds more, the service’s leading C2 officials said at the AFA Warfare Symposium. 
Frank Kendall ordered in September a sweeping review of five lines of effort across the department, seeking to uproot the impediments to current and future readiness.
Having focused the services’ modernization efforts around seven Operational Imperatives designed to accelerate the injection of new capabilities into the force, Kendall is now setting his sights on organizational impediments to change.
As the Department of the Air Force’s sweeping re-optimization review nears its January deadline, the USAF is considering fundamental changes to its major commands. “We’re going to transform the entire Department of the Air Force organizationally to prepare for great power competition within the next quarter,” ...