Operational Imperative 7: Readiness to Deploy And Fight

We’re coming off a couple of decades of conflict in which all of our comms were essentially secured, we were not competing with a peer, and I think most of us in the room believe the next conflict will be quite different from that.
Two Air Force veterans from opposite sides of the political aisle will chair a new House Armed Services Committee panel on quality of life issues affecting military families and service members. Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), a retired USAF brigadier general and RC-135 pilot, chairs the panel, ...
The House Armed Services personnel subcommittee advanced legislation June 12 to establish a Space National Guard and to pave the way for part-time Guardians, rather than form a Space Force Reserve. Subcommittee members voted to turn the 14 units and 1,000 space-focused Airmen in the Air ...
At the Department of the Air Force level, the Women’s Initiatives Team is leading the charge to change policies and support female Airmen. At the major command level, there are “Athena” teams. At the heart of them all is a desire to help female Airmen, “to ...