National Security

As the first anniversary approaches of Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III’s unprecedented purge of civilian advisory boards, at least a dozen boards are still in limbo. A few of the boards whose fates still haven’t been announced include the Defense Innovation Board, the Department of ...
The U.S. will not bar Ukraine or other countries from future entry into NATO, and any concessions with Russia on missile defense or military exercises must be “reciprocal," State Department Deputy Secretary Wendy R. Sherman told journalists on a press call following eight hours of ...
China’s August launch of a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile that circumnavigated the globe before reentry demonstrates the need for innovative solutions to spotting and tracking such threats. Unlike conventional intercontinental ballistic missiles, which follow a predictable ballistic arc, China’s hypersonic glide vehicle circled the world at ...
Ahead of the anniversary of the January 6th Capitol Riots, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III issued a memo to streamline authority for deploying the DC National Guard. The December 30, 2021 memo would give the Defense Secretary sole authority to authorize the deployment of ...