National Security

F-22 Raptors have arrived in the Middle East “to address threats posed by Iran and Iranian-backed groups,” U.S. Central Command announced Aug. 8. The F-22s are part of an infusion of fresh forces in the region after the Jan. 30 killing of Hamas leader Ismail ...
A Congressionally mandated commission found serious faults with the Pentagon's National Defense Strategy, concluding that it fails to fully recognize China's growing military might, Russia's persistent threat, risks from Iran and other rogue states—and the increasing convergence of all three. The Pentagon is under-financed and ...


July 26, 2024
A collection of quotes on airpower, space power, and national security issues.

WORLD: Sentinel

July 26, 2024
WORLD: Sentinel: Costs Jump 81% after Pentagon Review.
In the absence of a rival superpower in the 1990s, and with the miscalculations of the post-9/11 counterinsurgency campaigns, the successive administrations, the Pentagon, and Congress managed to squander America’s technological edge.