President Joe Biden approved a Defense Department request to return "under 500" American troops to Somalia, where the al-Shabab terrorist group has grown in wealth and influence and increased the tempo of its attacks since U.S. troops withdrew in January 2021. A senior administration official ...
National Security
For years, the National Guard’s State Partnership Program, whereby individual states partner with other nations’ militaries to provide training and support, flew mostly under the radar. Costing roughly $40 million per year, it represents a tiny fraction of the Pentagon’s budget. That's changing as Russia’s ...
The Pentagon knows the equipment and posture it must have now and what it must have 15 years from now. But filling in the middle is what’s delaying the public release of the National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy, which now may not come ...
The Pentagon’s newly installed acquisition czar is planning “deep dives” into efforts to modernize each leg of the nuclear triad, starting with the program he views as having the most significant risk—the Air Force's LGM-35A Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile, known until recently as the Ground ...
President Joe Biden has nominated Army Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli to become the new commander of U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe. If confirmed, Cavoli would replace Air Force Gen. Tod D. Wolters as Europe and NATO deal with the fallout of Russia’s ...
The Next-Generation Air Dominance family of systems remains highly classified. But some details are beginning to emerge.
In this Q&A with Air Force Magazine, Gen. John W. "Jay" Raymond reflects on what it means to be the first Chief of Space Operations and the Space Force’s very first member, as well as the future of the new service and of space itself.
“We built into this ’23 budget the best information that we had at the time we built the budget,” Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen H. Hicks told reporters in March. “As in any year, we’re going to be working that as we get closer to the ...
A collection of quotes on air power, space power, and national security issues.