National Security

With roots in the near-space photo reconnaissance of the U-2 Dragon Lady, space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance has become increasingly sophisticated and valuable over the past 65 years. Things will only get more interesting in the future.

Editorial: Milestones

Aug. 10, 2022
The Air Force turns 75 on Sept. 18, a momentous three-quarters of a century.
China and Russia form an “axis” working against the interests of the U.S., and that relationship is likely to strengthen in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, despite economic sanctions on Moscow. China is learning damning military lessons from the Ukraine conflict that may ...
Lt. Gen. David A. Krumm wears many hats as the commander of U.S. Northern Command's Alaskan Command, of 11th Air Force, and of North American Aerospace Defense Command's Alaskan Region. Krumm, who is set to retire, has served as the senior military leader in Alaska since April 2020. ...