The former commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe argued for integrating air defense and missile defense systems and network and enhancing the responsiveness of U.S., NATO, and partner defenses.
National Security
The U.S. must augment its nuclear deterrence in South Korea with strategic asset support and a recommitment to South Korea's defense, according to a new Heritage Foundation report.
China’s diverse nuclear arsenal makes it more survivable and would provide China with more coercive options in a conflict with the United States over Taiwan. The findings were the result of two summer 2022 tabletop wargame exercises conducted by the Center for a New American ...
U-2s were able to fly above a high-altitude Chinese spy balloon and collected valuable imagery. One of the pilots took a selfie to prove it.
The last remaining nuclear arms control treaty, the New START agreement between the U.S. and Russia, is in peril following a declaration by Russian president Vladimir Putin that Moscow was “suspending” Russia's participation in the accord.
In comments aimed at reassuring the American public and setting the stage for future diplomatic engagements with Beijing, President Joe Biden said Feb. 16 the three aerial objects the U.S. recently shot down were not part of China’s spy balloon fleet.
DOT&E Director Nickolas H. Guertin said the test enterprise must be reimagined, so weapons are no longer tested in isolation.
Supplying advanced aircraft to Ukraine emerged as a key issue of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s first hearing of the new Congress. Over the course of nearly three hours Feb. 15, national security experts and lawmakers also discussed the upcoming 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, the looming ...
Inflation bit deeply into world military budgets in 2022, with only China, Europe, and a few other countries achieving real growth in defense spending, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies. China's spending level was a new record, but the IISS noted that its ...