We are also in a modern-day arms race, in some cases playing catch-up, and we are competing to win friends and influence nations worldwide.
National Security
Dr. Mara E. Karlin is acting deputy undersecretary of defense for policy, the Department of Defense’s No. 2 policy role. Karlin was one of the primary developers of the 2022 National Defense Strategy, which redefined China as the “pacing challenge” for the U.S. military. Karlin ...
A collection of quotes on airpower, spacepower, and national security issues.
The United States must have the potential to deny China access to the space capabilities that threaten U.S. space and terrestrial forces and national interests.
Broadly speaking, the PLA has been pursuing a modernization effort in what is known as the three “izations:” mechanization, informationization, and intelligentization.
Despite sending more than $43 billion in military aid to Ukraine—both lethal and non-lethal—the U.S. is not “running out” of any particular munitions or equipment needed for its own forces, Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief William LaPlante told attendees at a defense conference in Washington, ...
Through a new effort called the Replicator Initiative, the Department of Defense is seeking to rapidly expand its capacity through relatively inexpensive autonomous systems. And the DOD wants those systems fast—in the “volume and velocity required to deter aggression or win if we’re forced to ...
As of Aug. 8, Sen. Tommy Tuberville's (R-Ala.) hold on unanimous consent confirmation for general and flag officers is affecting 301 nominations pending before the Senate, according to the Pentagon. And over a third of those affected officers are from the Air Force and Space ...
Though a parade of senior American officials have visited China as of late to try to encourage a working relationship with Beijing, the Pentagon has yet to make significant progress in establishing substantive communications between the American and Chinese militaries—a tool for avoiding miscommunication and ...