National Security

The U.S. promised to deepen consultations with South Korea on a possible American nuclear response to a North Korean attack. In exchange, South Korea reaffirmed that it will not develop its own nuclear arsenal. The understanding is outlined in a new agreement, dubbed the “Washington Declaration,” which ...
The U.S. military relies on wargames to help inform its strategy, tactics, and requirements. But a new report from the Government Accountability Office sees some flaws, including Department of Defense efforts that are chronically stovepiped. "GAO found that there are barriers to accessing wargame data, information ...
U.S. officials expressed growing concern April 18 about the lack of communication between the Chinese and American militaries in light of increasingly aggressive actions by Beijing. It has now been nearly five months since Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III last spoke to his ...
Transformative advances in computing, more and more emphasis on information warfare, and increasingly few sanctuaries from the reach of adversaries—those are just some of the factors that will likely define the world and the Air Force in 2040, according to a new report. The Global Futures ...