Joint All-Domain Command and Control

The Air Force’s aerial refueling fleet could be the first platform to adopt new technologies developed under the Advanced Battle Management System effort, integrating pods complete with advanced communications and data links to feed information, along with gas, to combat aircraft as early as next ...
Two years after the Air Force canceled its plan to buy a new fleet of airborne battle management planes, senators still aren’t sure the service has its spending priorities straight for the backup option. “While the committee continues to support the Air Force’s new approach ...
Two dozen more companies have joined the Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System effort to network its aircraft, sensors, and computer systems, the Pentagon said Nov. 4. Nearly 100 contractors are now part of that project, which offers hundreds of billions of dollars for technologies ...
Lt. Gen. David S. Nahom, USAF deputy chief of staff for plans and programs, speaks with John A. Tirpak about balancing immediate and long-term readiness.
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Giving Airmen the Edge: The Promise of JADC2

Oct. 28, 2020
U.S. military information dominance has for decades been a tool to maintain dominance in air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace. Better intelligence means better situational awareness. By collecting more accurate, timely data, and more rapidly delivering it to those who need it most, U.S. forces ...
Real-time, highly-detailed airfield status around the Pacific theater was one of the standout features of the Valiant Shield/Advanced Battle Management experiment run in September, Pacific Air Forces chief Gen. Kenneth S. Wilsbach reported at an AFA Mitchell Institute streaming event Oct. 27. It's the single ...