
Air Force leaders today are making significant decisions about the future force, betting on the promise of autonomous collaborative combat aircraft (CCA) as a means to increase the Air Force’s combat capacity.
The Government Accountability Office found significant deficiencies in the Department of Defense's cyber incident reporting practices, deficiencies the GAO said prevent DOD from fully understanding and preventing cyber breaches, according to a report to Congress. The GAO also said DOD lacks appropriate practices for notifying ...

World: Readiness

Nov. 3, 2022
Air Force Strength now 'very weak';TRANSOM unveils agile strategy to deter China.
Lt. Gen. James C. Slife was set to transition from his role commanding Air Force Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field, Fla., at the beginning of October, with a likely assignment to the Pentagon next. He visited the Air & Space Forces Association in September ...
With roots in the near-space photo reconnaissance of the U-2 Dragon Lady, space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance has become increasingly sophisticated and valuable over the past 65 years. Things will only get more interesting in the future.