While former generals, airpower experts, and even the head of U.S. Strategic Command have all endorsed the idea of the service buying more than 100 B-21 bombers, the Air Force deputy chief of staff for plans and programs suggested a formal decision on that front ...
The Air Force plans to shrink its total aircraft inventory in fiscal 2025, cutting its plans for new airframes while continuing to retire old platforms, the service revealed in its budget request, released on March 11. The Air Force plans to divest 250 aircraft in ...
Specific numbers of certain aircraft types will be less important to the Air Force’s future fighter force structure than a focus on manned-unmanned teaming driven by Collaborative Combat Aircraft, Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin said March 7. Indeed, Allvin suggested at the annual McAleese Defense ...
The Pentagon’s system of planning and budgeting needs a substantial overhaul, a blue-ribbon commission found, offering 28 recommendations that can help the Department of Defense deal with the quickening pace of technological change and increases in the threat, commissioners said.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III insisted he “never intended” to keep his hospitalization following complications from prostate cancer surgery a secret, amid grilling from lawmakers over his failure to notify the White House, lawmakers, and the public of his medical situation, despite having ...
The head of U.S. Strategic Command stressed the importance of producing B-21 bombers at a quicker rate and expressed interest in acquiring more than the planned 100 aircraft in a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Feb. 29. “The limited production rate of the B-21 is ...
The top State Department official for Yemen suggested the U.S. would like to expand the nations willing to participate in airstrikes or maritime patrols against the Houthis in response to the group's attacks on shipping. “This is a multifaceted responsibility. It should not be all ...
For all of its brief existence, the Space Force has enjoyed sizable budget boosts every year as the service grew, expanded, and took on new missions. But with Congress struggling to pass a 2024 budget five months into the fiscal year, the threat of sequestration cuts ...
Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall said Feb. 14 that Congress’s inability to enact critical government funding and national security legislation is “unthinkable” because it will delay military modernization at a pivotal time. The stopgap continuing resolution the government is operating under is “truly devastating” ...