Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) and Senate Democrats remain locked in a struggle in which the Alabama Republican refuses to relinquish his hold on general and flag officer promotions as long as a Biden administration policy to reimburse troops who travel out-of-state to obtain an abortion ...
As President Joe Biden and Republicans in Congress negotiate just weeks before the U.S. is set to hit its debt ceiling, Pentagon and Air Force leaders offered stark warnings that America defaulting on its debt would “embolden” China, potentially devastate the Defense Department’s budget, and ...
The Department of the Air Force makes up a significant portion of senior military promotions currently on hold in the Senate due to a blockade by Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), according to data shared with Air & Space Forces Magazine. Democratic lawmakers said there are ...
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III issued a lengthy warning over the ongoing hold on senior military promotions led by a Republican senator, warning that the effort is “unprecedented in its scale and scope” and poses a “clear risk” to the U.S. military’s ability ...
Pacific Air Forces commander Gen. Kenneth S. Wilsbach has been nominated to take over as the head of Air Combat Command, USAF’s largest major command by Active-Duty personnel, Air & Space Forces Magazine confirmed May 4.
As the Air Force battles a persistent pilot shortage made worse by aging training aircraft, the service has started approaching its current pilots earlier in their careers to offer retention incentives, hoping to convince them to stay in the military longer, Vice Chief of Staff ...
The Air Force’s fleet may shift from fighter-heavy to bomber-heavy in the future, but not in the near term, Secretary Frank Kendall told the Senate Armed Services Committee. Accelerating production of the B-21 would require adding considerably more tooling and capacity, he added.
The Air Force plans to get production of the classified AIM-260 Joint Advanced Tactical Missile underway this year and will equip its new Collaborative Combat Aircraft with the weapon, senior USAF leaders said at a Senate Armed Services Hearing.
The Air Force will consider the Army’s freshly-chosen Bell V-280 tiltrotor as a possible combat search and rescue platform for work in contested airspace, but will also look at other technical options, including the CV-22 as an interim solution, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q., ...