The long-awaited hearing to confirm the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will begin on July 11, when Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. is set to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee. If confirmed by the Senate, ...
Time appears to be running out for the A-10—the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) announced June 23 that it will allow the Air Force to retire 42 A-10s as part of its 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, approved this week. The Senate panel’s decision follows ...
WORLD: Readiness: Safety pause over, B-2 flies; New bill to lock in Guard Fighter Squadrons; DARPA's X-65 aircraft.
Members of the House Armed Services Committee are concerned about missile warning and defense—from the homeland to Europe and the Indo-Pacific and extending into space. Lawmakers on the panel agreed to a half dozen or so amendments pressing the Pentagon for more information and analysis on ...
House lawmakers approved three amendments aimed at curtailing Air Force plans to retire aging fighter jets as both the Senate and House began marking up their respective drafts of the 2024 defense authorization bill.
A comprehensive look at the Air Force and the Space Force, including people, equipment, budget, weapons systems, and more.
The Air Force’s request for funding for the Next Generation Air Dominance program is slashed nearly a third—some $550 million—in the House Armed Services Committee chairman's mark of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act. But while the amount of the reduction roughly matches what the ...
The Air Force is unlikely to get any funding for extra aircraft in fiscal 2024, at least if House Armed Services Committee chair Rep. Mike Rogers’ markup of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act is any indication. But the draft legislation does lay the groundwork ...
House Armed Services Committee chair Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) wants to create a new position in each service’s secretariat, with the responsibility of finding promising new technologies and helping shepherd them across the so-called “valley of death” between successful prototypes and a program of record. ...