Congress finally passed the National Defense Authorization Act and sent its 3,000 pages to the White House for President Biden’s signature. The annual defense policy bill was approved with overwhelming bipartisan support, as the Senate and House voted it through on Dec. 13 and 14, ...
After a pause, the Pentagon will try again to cut an F-35 Performance-Based Logistics Contract with Lockheed Martin, defense officials told a congressional panel. The company didn’t offer enough cost or performance savings, and government negotiators were overwhelmed with the amount of data to review ...
Congress is mandating biennial updates on the Pentagon’s strategy for developing, buying, and fielding offensive and defensive hypersonic systems, according to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, which is poised to pass both chambers this week. They also want a plan identifying overland test ranges ...
Lawmakers want very tight oversight of the Next Generation Air Dominance fighters and Collaborative Combat Aircraft drones, demanding detailed six-month updates on their progress across a myriad of component categories, according to the 2024 compromise National Defense Authorization Act.
Senate and House leaders unveiled their compromise conference report for the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act on Dec. 7—and the annual defense policy bill is poised to pump the brakes on the Air Force’s plans to retire dozens of F-15E, F-16, and F-22 fighters in the ...
The U.S. can’t match China plane-for-plane or ship-for-ship and shouldn’t try, defense experts told the House Armed Services Committee. But the defense industrial base has to be married to new, asymmetric, disruptive operational concepts that the Pentagon is willing to adapt on the fly.
The Senate confirmed senior military nominations for 105 Air Force and Space Force officers late Dec. 5, a massive bloc that built up over months during the standoff between Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) and the Pentagon. Some of the officers had been awaiting confirmation since January, ...
The Senate confirmed over 400 senior military promotions Dec. 5, after Sen. Tommy Tuberville mostly lifted his monthslong hold on military nominations. Specifically, Tuberville lifted his hold on all nominations below four-star generals and admirals. Out of 455 pending general and flag officer nominations, affecting ...
It's urgent the Air Force speed the delivery of new F-16Vs and upgrades to older ones in Taiwan, given the rising provocations by China in the Taiwan Strait, 24 Republican members of Congress wrote in a letter to Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall.