The Pentagon’s system of planning and budgeting needs a substantial overhaul, a blue-ribbon commission found, offering 28 recommendations that can help the Department of Defense deal with the quickening pace of technological change and increases in the threat, commissioners said.
For all of its brief existence, the Space Force has enjoyed sizable budget boosts every year as the service grew, expanded, and took on new missions. But with Congress struggling to pass a 2024 budget five months into the fiscal year, the threat of sequestration cuts ...
Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall said Feb. 14 that Congress’s inability to enact critical government funding and national security legislation is “unthinkable” because it will delay military modernization at a pivotal time. The stopgap continuing resolution the government is operating under is “truly devastating” ...
The Air Force is looking at a variety of potential offsets to cover the $35 billion overrun on the Sentinel ICBM, but senior service officials hope the offsets can be found from outside the service's regular budget.
“The year 2024 will stand as a transformative year for modernizing the U.S. Air Force’s fighter force. Bottom line: the service needs to reset fast. That is why it was welcome news when Lockheed Martin recently announced the Tech Refresh 3/Block 4 variant of its ...
A collection of quotes on airpower, space power, and national security issues.
A budget sequester under the Fiscal Responsibility Act would be catastrophic for Air Force modernization, senior service leaders said Jan. 24. They also said that despite the recent huge overrun on the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile program, there is no viable alternative.
The new Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile being developed by the Air Force and Northrop Grumman will cost 37 percent more than expected and take at least two years longer than previous projections before achieving initial operational capability—compelling the service to extend the life of some ...
A provision of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act will require the Secretary of the Air Force to develop a force design for the Air Force and Space Force projected through 2050—a sweeping review of the capabilities, organizational structures, policies, and more that the services ...