
The U.S. military is looking at fielding small drones that can be carried in a backpack or aircraft that can take off vertically, but managing airspace is a challenge. The Air Force has a CLUE about the way forward: the Collaborative Low-Altitude UAS Integration Effort.
Increasing F-35 orders have raised questions about the capacity of the industrial base to keep up with demand, which could outstrip the planned peak output of the Lockheed Martin-made stealth fighter. Israel announced a fresh order for F-35s on July 2, saying it will buy ...
Multiple B-52 Stratofortresses flew over the Korean Peninsula on June 30, escorted by U.S. and South Korean fighters as part of a “combined aerial training event,” both countries’ militaries announced. The nuclear-capable bombers flew alongside U.S. Air Force F-16s and F-15Es and Republic of Korea Air ...
The State Department has OK’d the sale of two dozen F-35As to the Czech Republic, along with 25 Pratt & Whitney F135 engines, aircraft spares, and assorted weapons, including AIM-120 AMRAAMs and AIM-9X Sidewinders, collectively valued at up to $5.62 billion. The Czech Republic joins ...