
Calling the condition of the military’s depots, shipyards, and arsenals a “crisis,” House Armed Services Committee Readiness panel chair John Garamendi (D-Calif.) gave Pentagon acquisition and sustainment officials three months to return a five-year plan for modernizing the military’s organic industrial base, warning that the ...
The new technology, developed by Dynepic and dubbed the Member Operations Training Analytics and Reports (MOTAR) platform, will soon be distributed to AETC wings.
Chronically high operating costs might be tamed with a new deal. A new sustainment contract between the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) and Lockheed Martin, inked in September, will give the company a chance to bring down operating costs over the next three years.


Dec. 3, 2021
We love letters! Write to us at To be published, letters should be timely, relevant and concise. Include your name and location. Letters may be edited for space and the editors have final say on which are published.

Faces of the Force

Dec. 3, 2021
Tell us who you think we should highlight here. Write to Five members of the 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron came to the aid of a fellow passenger during a commercial flight from Okinawa to Tokyo Sept. 10, assisted by...


Dec. 3, 2021
A collection of quotes on airpower and national security issues.