
After months of unexpected delays, the Air Force’s MH-139 Grey Wolf is set to enter military utility testing within the coming month, a service program officer said. The Air Force first announced flight testing of the Grey Wolf, intended to patrol the service’s sprawling intercontinental ...
The era of “three-day critical design reviews” of Air Force programs may be ending with the advent of digital design and development methods, Gen. Duke Z. Richardson, head of Air Force Materiel Command, told attendees at an industry conference. “This is completely transforming how we’re ...
China and Russia form an “axis” working against the interests of the U.S., and that relationship is likely to strengthen in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, despite economic sanctions on Moscow. China is learning damning military lessons from the Ukraine conflict that may ...
Lt. Gen. David A. Krumm wears many hats as the commander of U.S. Northern Command's Alaskan Command, of 11th Air Force, and of North American Aerospace Defense Command's Alaskan Region. Krumm, who is set to retire, has served as the senior military leader in Alaska since April 2020. ...