AFA Warfare Symposium

It’s still not known how many F-35 fighters were assembled with mixed-up Inconel and titanium fasteners, but Lockheed Martin’s analysis shows no safety of flight risk that would require dedicated fleetwide inspections. Company Vice President and Program Manager Greg Ulmer told reporters on Feb. 27 ...
Private aerial refueling may help ease the intense demand for tankers, as service leaders and U.S. Transportation Command debate the plan to retire legacy refuelers. The Air Force’s fiscal 2021 budget request calls for retiring 16 KC-10s and 13 KC-135s. Top USAF and TRANSCOM officials ...
Members of Congress who've heard the Air Force's explanation of why it's trading capacity now to get connectivity later back the move, Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein told reporters February 27. But he expects a lot more explanation will be needed. “The risk is ...
While NAS JRB Fort Worth-Carswell, Texas, is slated to become the primary home of Air Force Reserve Command’s future F-35As, AFRC is now reexamining three bases it has deemed “reasonable alternatives”—Whiteman Air Force Base, Mont., Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., and Homestead Air Reserve Base—to ...
Air Force Special Operations Command is collecting evidence that may bolster a few valor cases for upgrades, possibly even to the Medal of Honor. The review is using hindsight to determine “where did we perhaps undershoot in terms” of the award nomination, Air Force Special ...
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein on Feb. 27 received the highest award USAF enlisted personnel can bestow, the Order of the Sword. Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright presented the award, and large sword, during a speech at AFA’s ...
Air Combat Command is shifting from a "fighter roadmap" to a "capabilities" roadmap that will capture many of the things fighters do today, but likely with new types of unmanned systems and "attritable" aircraft, Gen. Mike Holmes told reporters Feb. 27. The idea of a ...
The Air Force doesn't begrudge the Army its long-range fires to counter adversaries like Russia, but Air Combat Command chief Gen. Mike Holmes said the services need to work together to prevent excessive duplication of effort. “We don’t have a monopoly on national technical means ...