Raytheon has received a $38 million contract to modify GBU-15/AGM-130 weapons data link equipment used in USAF F-15 pilot training as part of a 2007 contract following reallocation of radio frequencies from the military to commercial users. n The first GPS IIF satellite on Feb. 12 traveled via C-17 from the Boeing facility in El Segundo, Calif., to Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla., where it will undergo testing in preparation for launch this summer. n Pacific Air Forces announced new Patriot Express routes would begin in April, including new weekly flights from Seattle, Wash., to Yokota AB, Japan, and Osan AB and Kunsan AB in South Korea, and then back through Osan and Yokota before heading back to Seattle; some existing routes now include additional stops. n The Army’s First Combat Brigade team has presented units patches to USAF explosive ordnance disposal airmen who supported them in Iraq.
New Budget Deal Could Cost USAF Up to $14 Billion
March 12, 2025
The Air Force would suffer the loss of billions of dollars of buying power under a yearlong Continuing Resolution, only somewhat mitigated by proposals that would allow it to pursue new starts, Lt. Gen. Adrian Spain, deputy chief of staff for operations, told the readiness subcommittee of the Senate Armed…