The 50th Space Wing at Schriever AFB, Colo., has introduced a new twist to the age-old New Year’s resolution of losing weight and getting in better shape. The wing’s “Bod Pod” competition will pit squadrons against each other in a battle to cut body fat. Beginning on Jan. 1, participants will have two weeks to step into the Bod Pod at the base’s health and wellness center to get their body fat measured. The machine, which resembles a giant egg from the outside, uses air displacement to calculate body density and body fat. Once measured, airmen will have until late March to tone up before entering the Bod Pod once again for final measurements to determine the winners. “We really want to encourage airmen to start the New Year on the right foot by learning exactly where their body fat numbers are,” said Christopher Woodruff, Schriever’s HAWC health promotions educator. He added, “Body fat, when in reference to health, plays a big role.” (Schriever report by SSgt. Patrice Clarke)
To make the best use of the technological advantage offered by America’s economy, the U.S. military doesn’t need squadrons of coders writing programs—it needs a “software literate” workforce that knows the right questions to ask of technology contractors, according to a new report from a blue ribbon commission of current…