“Joking” comments of Army Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of US Central Command, during his presentation at the Marine Corps Association Foundation dinner on July 30 belittled the contributions of the Air Force to the joint force. In his prepared remarks, Petraeus said: “Then, of course, 25,000 feet above them [soldiers and marines], an Air Force pilot flips aside his ponytail and looks down at them through his cockpit as he flies over. ‘Boy,’ he radios his wingman, ‘It must be tough down there.’ ” We reviewed the video to get his actual remarks and found he embellished his “joke,” changing the altitude to 30,000 feet and saying, “… an Air Force pilot flips aside his ponytail—I don’t know how that got in there; I know they haven’t had ponytails in a year or two—and looks down … .” Continue
Air Force Special Warfare can improve how it teaches candidates teamwork, stress tolerance, and other nontechnical attributes, according to a new RAND report.