Water intrusion in air-data sensors is being pegged as the cause of the B-2 bomber crash during takeoff Feb. 23 from Andersen AFB, Guam, according to a top Air Force official. The skin-flush sensors, which collect information about air pressure and density, much like a pitot tube on a conventional aircraft, provide angle-of-attack and yaw data to the B-2’s computerized flight control system. After heavy, lashing rains, water got into the sensors and caused them to give faulty readings to the flight control system, the official said. As a result, the aircraft’s computers determined—based on the bogus data—that the aircraft was in an improper attitude and corrected automatically. The B-2 made a sudden pitch-up and yaw that was not commanded by the pilot. The aircraft quickly stalled, became unrecoverable, and the crew of two ejected. The aircraft was a total loss. The crash led to a 53-day safety pause during which there were no B-2 flights. Air Combat Command has already made adjustments to the flight control systems to prevent further accidents and is looking at ways to seal the sensors better. A full accident investigation report is expected soon.
To make the best use of the technological advantage offered by America’s economy, the U.S. military doesn’t need squadrons of coders writing programs—it needs a “software literate” workforce that knows the right questions to ask of technology contractors, according to a new report from a blue ribbon commission of current…