Athletic trainers are being added to Basic Military Training in an experiment to better prevent and treat injuries among trainees. “By having athletic trainers who understand the mission and who have built rapport with the trainees, high-risk trainees can be identified and injuries treated early,” 59th Medical Wing doctor Capt. Nathaniel Nye said in a JBSA-Lackland, Texas, release. BMT injuries cost the Air Force approximately $35 million each year and “even a 10 percent reduction in injuries … would be a significant success,” he added. The 59th MDW worked with a research hospital to secure grant money for a 30-month trial embedding two athletic trainers with the 323rd Training Squadron at Lackland. Several trainers are also integrating with Lackland’s 342nd TRS and 343rd TRS, which conduct high intensity physical training for battlefield airmen. If the trial proves successful, the team hopes to add athletic trainers to each of BMT’s training squadrons.
The Space Development Agency will rescind a contract for 10 satellites awarded to Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems last summer and reopen the competition, Air & Space Forces Magazine has confirmed—though uncertainty continues to swirl around the organization.