On April 18, 2024, the AFA Gen. Russell Dougherty Chapter 407 Teacher of the Year for 2023, Alan Williams hosted the Second Annual Rocket Launch Competition for high school teams residing in Louisville, Ky. Ten teams from Atherton High School brought their rockets out for the opportunity to display their design and appearance skills along with incorporating individual “fine tuning.” There were 22 teams altogether. Other high schools involved in the competition were Mercy, Shawnee, and Moore. Around 300 students and observers maintained a keen eye on the launches and assisted with recovery efforts.
The competition evaluated the rocket’s exterior assembly, painting “theme,” and the best altitude of two launching opportunities. Weather conditions were sunny and slightly windy with only two rockets “off-course” and landing in trees located at the Atherton launch site.
Once the rockets were recovered, the judging team completed their scoring with the all-important maximum altitude recorded via the installed altimeter. One of Atherton’s entries, “McQueen,” achieved the best altitude for the competition, reaching 1,050 feet! Another of Williams’ rocket team entries, “Magic Mike,” won the overall contest. The judging cadre included representatives from the Kentucky Department of Aviation, University of Louisville, ROTC instructors, and the AFA Chapter #407 President Jeffrey Decker.
Atherton also has a newly formed Rocket Drone team, where the students race drones through obstacle courses. Formal recognition of Atherton’s Rocket Launch Team occurred at the chapter’s quarterly luncheon on June 29, 2024.