The seventh C-5 transport has entered Lockheed Martin’s modification line in Marietta, Ga., for upgrade to the Super Galaxy configuration. This aircraft, a C-5B model stationed at Dover AFB, Del., will receive more than 70 reliability and performance enhancements, including new General Electric fuel-efficient engines, before rolling off the line in mid 2012, according to the company. These Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program improvements, coupled with new avionics installed under a separate project, will transform this C-5 into the new C-5M Super Galaxy configuration. Overall, the Air Force intends to modernize 52 C-5s (one C-5As, 49 C-5Bs, and two C-5Cs) to the Super Galaxy standard. Marietta officials inducted this C-5 into the RERP line on June 2. Air Force officials have praised the performance of the first C-5Ms that have entered the fleet. (Lockheed release)
The defense intelligence community has tried three times in the past decade to build a “common intelligence picture”—a single data stream providing the information that commanders need to make decisions about the battlefield. The first two attempts failed. But officials say things are different today.