Air Force technicians have restored most functions to the computer system responsible for much of the service’s distance education, Air University officials at Maxwell AFB, Ala., announced Tuesday. In mid-May, the computer system known as the course development, student administration/registrar (CDSAR) crashed, taking down with it much of the ability to support distance professional military education, specialized courses for professional continuing education, career development courses, and the weighted airmen promotion system. “Right now, the only piece of CDSAR that is not partially or fully functional, or in our testing and verification phase, is CDC course development,” said Col. Anthony Zucco, AU’s director of education logistics and communications. He noted that CDC development has not stopped; rather, “it is just a little slower.” In some cases, students have been granted a two-month extension due to the outage. (Maxwell report by Phil Berube)
“Military history shows that the best defense is almost always a maneuvering offense supported by solid logistics. This was true for mechanized land warfare, air combat, and naval operations since World War II. It will also be true as the world veers closer to military conflict in space,” writes Aidan…