SSgt. Brian Boisselle, an explosive ordnance disposal technician from Edwards AFB, Calif., received a Bronze Star medal Jan. 27 for his actions during a deployment to Iraq. Boisselle was an EOD team leader at Logistics Support Area Anaconda and Forward Operating Base Paliwoda. He led two other EOD operators in 126 combat missions, which resulted in the safe reduction of 32 improvised explosive devices, including rendering safe four IEDS with their firing mechanism intact for intelligence exploitation. “To be put up for something like this and win is an honor and it means people recognize the good job you’re doing,” said Boisselle. He added, “That reflects on the great team I worked with while I was over there.” (Edwards report by A1C William O’Brien)
When Lt. Col. Dustin Johnson was ordered to deploy to the Middle East last year, he and his fellow F-22 Raptor pilots prepared for an unusual challenge. As the U.S.’s premier air superiority fighter, the F-22 was designed to take on advanced enemy aircraft, capable of maneuvering stealthily and cruising at…